You will need:
  • Hario V60
  • Paper filters 
  • Spoon 
  • Fresh Roast Lord & Lady Coffee 
  • Digital scale (optional)
  • Grinder (optional, we like Baratza grinders)
  • Kettle (gooseneck preferred) 
  • Fave Coffee Cup
Brew Logistics
Makes 2 cups ( 500g: 30g )
Dry Coffee: 30g
Water:  500g
Grind: medium (Adjust grind size/steep time to taste).
Water temp : 195-205, 30 seconds off boil
Ratio: 16:1 (16g of water for every 1g of dry coffee )
Let’s Brew
We use the James Hoffman Technique!
1.) Collect all the tools you will need. Heat water to temp, grind your fresh roast Lord & Lady coffee to a medium grind.
2.) Place the pour over onto your brewing vessel (we use a small glass coffee server) , add the filter and rinse with hot water. Pour out excess water and tare the scale. We are ready to brew.
3.) Add 30g of freshly ground coffee, make a little hole in the middle to easily saturate all the beans, then tare your scale. Pour 60g of water making sure to get all the coffee wet in the bloom phase. Swirl your pour over to ensure every piece has had contact with water and then leave to bloom for 30 seconds. 
4.) In a controlled slow circular pour,  bring your brew weight to 300g. This pour should take 30 seconds, the cone should be full. 
5.) Continue to slowly pour for another 30 seconds brining your brew weight to 500g. Gently stir with your spoon in one direction, then in the other helping to remove grounds from the  wall. Give one last gentle swirl as you allow the slurry to fully draw down until the flat coffee bed is exposed.
6.) Serve. Enjoy that beautiful cup of coffee!