Coffee is sexy. So sexy. And for years we couldn't get enough! When Matt became obsessed with his coffee roasting hobby we wondered if we should take the plunge to create a full fledged roastery. At the urging of our friends, avid coffee lovers, who said "we need MORE of this coffee", Matt and Kristen leapt off the mountain to launch Lord & Lady Coffee.

Armed with partners, Jodie & Shauna Jenkins, and a vision to get better coffee into your kitchen, Lord & Lady was created to be a double edged sword - GREAT COFFEE and IMPACT resonating at the local community and global level. A portion of every bag sold goes to incredible organizations. Visit OUR IMPACT for more information. 

Founded in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a whirlwind ride for the Lord & Lady Team! Our roaster arrived the week before the first province-wide shutdown but we forged ahead, meeting with local retail businesses and launching an online shop. 

As a small roastery it is uncommon to be certified FAIRTRADE, but it was important to us to provide responsibly sourced coffee. We know this matters to you. Though there have been limitations on bean sourcing during COVID, with no travel or means to connect locally with direct trade coffee partners, we will be offering DIRECT TRADE soon!


Matt O'Coin - Head Roaster & Founder

For Matt, the search for a better cup of coffee will never end. Matt has been working on creating his perfect cup of coffee for 8 years, and we aren’t sure he will ever stop pursuing it.

His passion for roasting coffee started as a hobby with a meager home roaster, a tarp and some duct tape. As a successful entrepreneur and business owner, he was convinced that someday this hobby could turn into a full fledged coffee roastery.

Matt has spent years roasting, experimenting and having fun with coffee, and it has all led to this. His love of coffee has resulted in hours of study and research on everything coffee related. 

You can email Matt at matt@lordandlady.ca

Kristen O'Coin - Managing Director

Kristen's love of coffee runs deep (fuelled mostly by her three kids), but even deeper is her love for seeing dreams made reality. Her love of coffee has been influenced by none other than her husband and roaster, Matt, who even successfully converted her to drinking her coffee black!

She keeps track of all of us and pulls out the best from the team. Take a goal, turn it into a plan and make it happen. These are the words Kristen lives by. She is the keeper of our checklists, our spreadsheets and our dreams. With a background in project management and as an entrepreneur and partner with her husband Matt, Kristen manages the operations of Lord & Lady. 

Kristen's dream for you - getting the best cup of coffee into your hot little hands.  

You can email Kristen at kristen@lordandlady.ca

Shauna Jenkins - Creative Director

Shauna is our creative compass. She always has a new idea brewing and is not afraid to get messy and make things happen! Shauna's experience as a film producer, entrepreneur and mom of three make her the perfect blend of creative + chaos as she brings life to our brand.

You can email Shauna at shauna@lordandlady.ca

Jodie Jenkins - Sales Director

A go getter, always on the move, Jodie can't be without people for very long. Jodie grew up in Prince Edward County and has a long-time history of bringing inspiration and new business ideas to the Bay of Quinte region. Jodie moves things forward when there seems to be no way.

You can email Jodie at jodie@lordandlady.ca

Jessica Fairchild - Roastery Coordinator

Jess is our safety net, the one who keeps all the plates spinning and makes everything work. There is nothing she won't tackle and somehow makes it look easy. With her creative eye,  her problem solving stubborn streak, and love of a job completed, Jess does all of the things. 

You can email Jess & the roastery at hello@lordandlady.ca

Ben DeHaan - Sales & Community Liaison

Growing up in Bay Of Quinte & Prince Edward County, Ben spent many years in customer service and sales roles and love meeting and making connections with new people. Ben is usually found spending time outdoors with his camera in hand documenting his adventures.  As a coffee lover, Ben goal is to make an amazing cup of coffee available to everyone!

With a coffee in hand, Ben is always ready to sit down and talk about how we can support your small business in serving, selling, or providing fresh roast coffee to their employees and customers.

You can email Ben & our sales team at sales@lordandlady.ca